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Rentapen uses 3 methods for training new Machine Design Engineers<\/p>\n

1. Weld Fixture Design 101 <\/a>An educational blog that informs the audience first how to design a simple part-holding fixture.\u00a0 And gives practical machine design and drafting pointers for CAD Drafters.<\/p>\n

2. Recruiting interns. Rentapen inspires and guides student-trainees for the potential workforce. Interns get real job experience, CAD modeling, detailing, and production part-holding machine design.<\/p>\n

3. Educational videos. We create videos for new interns and designers to learn about our systems and shortcuts for common tasks. For example here is a video regarding how to put parameters into a step file<\/a> using Pro\/E Wildfire 4.0.<\/p>\n

Rentapen is Growing Machine Design Engineers . We are constantly developing systems and methods for training new Machine Design Engineers and we continue. Get in on the ground floor and grow with us. If you have taken a few classes in Pro\/E and are interested in Machine Design we can take you to the next level. You will learn a lot and get experience modeling and detailing real fixtures. Send your cover letter and resume to news@rentapen.com<\/a>. We keep the best and the brightest!<\/p>\n